b2b login - your guide

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as a retailer, we encourage you to use our b2b-webshop
here you have full access to our entire range of styles, colors, and accessories
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how to navigate the webshop
choose your ''drop'':
by basics - merino wool, bamboo and cotton
own - linen, poplin, cotton/wool and brushed wool
grums - skincare products made from coffee grounds
paa stell - laundry detergent made from lemon
and remember to only buy what you need
all styles are made-to-order … there’s no minimum order and no fixed assortments
visit our online showroom
do you want to see the news and our latest inspiration on how to style your by basics?
do you have a question or need help?
we’re always happy to help. please send us a mail with your requests, questions, or comments – we’d love to hear from you
find answers to some of the most frequent questions others have asked us, when using b2b.bybasics.com
if you have a question that is not answered here, you can contact us
hvordan bestiller jeg en vare?søg efter varenummeret, brug filtret eller klik dig gennem siderne på den enkelte style, kan du vælge størrelser, farver og antal – vælg ”update cart” for at lægge varerne i kurven
kan jeg bestille direkte fra kataloget?du kan få direkte adgang til sæsonens lookbook med inspiration og mulighed for at købe de viste styles i vores showrooms hold musen over prikken, vælg farver og vælg ”order” nederst på siden kan du se din ”selection”, vælg ”continue” og ”create as order” for at vælge de størrelser, du har brug for
hvor finder jeg billeder til min hjemmeside?find alle billederne i ”image bank” og ”packshots” find billeder for dine specifikke ordrer ved at vælge ”home” > ”download product images”
jeg kan ikke finde den vare, jeg søger – hvad skal jeg gøre?tjek at du er i det rigtige drop: drop by basics (strikkede tekstiler) - merino wool - cotton - bamboo - ram drop own - linen - poplin - cotton/wool - brushed wool drop petit by basics - baby- og børnetøj I merinould og økologisk bomuld grums (hudplejeprodukter) - grums paa stell (vaskemiddel) - paa stell er du i det rette drop, men kan stadig ikke finde den ønskede vare, må du meget gerne kontakte os; så vi kan hjælpe dig
hvad er leveringstiden?- by basics · 3-5 uger - OWN · indeværende måned + 6 uger - grums · - paa stell ·
min kunde ønsker en vare; kan jeg bestille den uden at bestille andet?ja, du kan bestille en eller flere varer; prisen og leveringstiden er den samme
hvad koster fragten?fragten beregnes ud fra din ordre
hvordan skal tøjet vaskes?vi anbefaler, at du lufter dit tøj efter brug i stedet for at vaske det hver gang. Men en gang imellem skal tøjet naturligvis vaskes se vaskeanvisninger
how do I place an order?log in to traede. search for the item numbers, use the filter, or click through the pages till you find the wanted styles. choose the specific sizes, colours, and quantities you wish to order. "update cart" to put the items in your basket.
can I order directly from your catalogue?no, but you can find the current look book inu kan få direkte adgang til sæsonens lookbook med inspiration og mulighed for at købe de viste styles i vores showrooms. hold musen over prikken, vælg farver og vælg ”order”. Nederst på siden kan du se din ”selection”, vælg ”continue” og ”create as order” for at vælge de størrelser, du har brug for. no, but you can order directly from our look book – a showroom in trade showing you the styles of this season. Find nspiration and buy the displayed styles directly in the showroom. all you have to do is hover over the dot, select colours, and click "order". at the bottom of the page, you can see your "selection", choose "continue" and "create an order" to select the sizes you wish to order.
where do I find photos for my website and social media profiles?we always strive to create the best photos for you to use on your website and social media profiles. go to "image bank" and "packshots". find images for your specific orders by selecting "home" and "download product images".
I cannot find the item I am looking for – what should I do?first, check if you have chosen the right drop: drop by basics: - merino wool - cotton - bamboo - ram drop own - linen - poplin - cotton/wool - brushed wool drop petit by basics - baby & kids clothing in merino wool & cotton grums (skin care products) - grums paa stell (laundry detergent) - paa stell if you have chosen the right drop and still cannot find the product you're looking for, please contact us
how about the delivery time?delivery time will typically be - by basics · 4-6 weeks -OWN · current month + 6 weeks - grums · 1-2 weeks - paa stell · 1-2 weeks if the delivery time changes, we’ll be in touch.
my customer wants a specific by basic style; can I order just this one style without ordering anything else?yes, you can order one or more items; the price and delivery time stay the same.
how much does the freight cost?freight will be determined according to your order.
how should I advise my customer to laundry by basics styles?we recommend air drying your styles as much as possible. when washing, please follow the washing instruction inside each style se vaskeanvisninger